KEY SKILLS - Print | Stitch | Construction | 


The ‘No Waste’ collection has been created using all the silkscreen printed off-cuts kept for many years from my handmade bag collections. I have never been able to throw away even the smallest of scraps believing that they would be useful one day.

In a world where sustainability and caring for the environment is at the forefront of our minds the idea of making something new and exciting out of what may otherwise be thrown away has been my driving challenge.

The inspiration for my final designs has come from my love of making quilts. I have a long-standing admiration of the quilts produced by woman from a small rural African American community of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, who become well known for their remarkable abstract quilts made from work clothes remnants and scraps.

With their distinctive bold aesthetic in mind the ‘No Waste’ collection has been crafted using a considered combination of colours, patterns & plains. Like the woman of Gee’s Bend I adopted an improvisational approach to placement, disregarding conventional geometrics and allowing the material to influence the creative process. Each product created is therefore completely unique and special.

Maker in Focus Exhibition - Makers Guild in Wales 2024